“Capitalism” in health, wellness & fitness space & any other industry fuels as well as floods the space & how creatively tools like propoganda & intentional misinterpretation of statistics etc have been misused to carry forward the ultimate actual aim & nature of capitalism i.e. by defination Profit Maximization at any cost! Even if it’s the health of millions of individuals!

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Capitalism although is majorly viewed as a modern, competitive & optimum option as the market dictates what works best in customers favour & hence automatically eliminates the poor products/services based organisations and promotes the best & in demand products & services. And just a disclaimer, we’re only talking about perfect compitition markets here and not a monopoly, duopoly or oligopoly based markets. Let’s see where capitalism can go extremely wrong via the following, “Healthy, Wealthy & Wise”, we’re all aware about the phrase and infact from a really early age too. Just like this nursery rhyme, we’ve repeatedly heard the words “Health & Wealth” being used along side each other,” Wise” or Wisdom rather, left the chat the moment humanity went from “Healthy Individuals are more likely to be wealthy” to “Wealthy Individuals can choose to be Healthy”, because that’s exactly what’s happening, junk food, fast food, frozen food etc regardless of how unhealthy they might be, in comparison to healthy alternative options on an average. My question is why am I being charged more to remove cheese i.e. get less basically, from my sandwich just for example. It’s simply because of the propoganda driven fast food brands and their extremely high lobbying budgets to maintain the status quo, and letting capitalism get to it’s theoretical major aim i.e. profit maximization by using cheaper & addictive yet extremely unhealthy foods and other lifestyle choices that hook the customers & even the idea or philosophy of “Pseudo Body Positivity” that’s currently again for the very same reason being pushed across different strata of individuals from all forms of life. One of the core aims for me personally & for us at @FitSyndicate is to reverse this illogical propoganda driven culture of intentional misinformation being spread in huge quantities to confuse and maximize the profits at the expense of consumers health, exactly how a now noted publically proven and accepted facts of how ciggerate usage was growing massively alongside the social issues happening at various points of time in the history, like getting it associated with war and getting soldiers addicted along with creating a patriotic brand image, when the war ended & men came back, cigarettes were a usual part of their lifestyles, now even after having a huge repeated customer base, as soon as it’s growth stagnated, the propoganda machine got to work, the next stratagy they came up with doubled their TAM. Women’s rights movement was in full swing when suddenly women smoking cigarettes like men became an act of showcasing women empowerment & anti patriarchy, there were many more such acts like the famous slogan which was published as a finding of a scientific primary research, “Every 9 out of 10 Doctors prefer camel cigarettes” which portrayed that 9 out of 10 Doctors smoke but easily forgotten to mention the part where the primary research questionnaire had the question for doctors who do smoke, which of the 4 options provided were their brand of choice, another perfect example of the phrase “statistics are the tools which you can manipulate the interpretation in any way you wish to with just using the right language. We at FitSyndicate or rather me personally atleast most definitely appreciate the genius of the art of marketing here and have no problem in rating these tactics as phenomenal case studies to learn from, but the morality can not be justified no matter what & that’s exactly why healthy lifestyle is much more expensive than unhealthy lifestyle at all points of comparison & that’s exactly why & what the framing of the concept of “Pseudo Body Positivity” being promoted massively. The war will be long and probably outlast our time on earth just by the money they already have in reserves to crush any reasonable voice or argument, but someone has to initiate the war, if no one else is, we will, regardless of the fact if we live to see the victory or someone from our future generation will score the winning shot. #WarIsOn #MisinformationInHealth& WellnessIndustry #WarAgainstPropoganda #IAmFitSyndicate

One response

  1. FitSyndicate

    Amazing writeup!


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