
Gamifying & Monetizing users healthy lifestyle choices, habit formation & positive behavioral changes.

We help users generating wealth by improving health because Profit literally spells ProFit. World’s 1st of its kind #HealthFinTech startup which rewards users by in game Tokens called “FitCoins” redeemable against multiple use cases along with exchanging it in the liquidity pool at the then prevailing market exchange rate.

We @FitSyndicate (TransformNation.in) previously known as Fit.One/XtremePerformance aim to optimize users transformation journey, without risking their health or causing any injuries through our scientifically backed, specifically customized for an individual’s provided inputs, their short term or long term health & wellness goals or requirements & any other limitations they might have, by providing a thoroughly calculated, in-sync & practical to follow Diet+Workout plan to ensure guaranteed, measurable & sustainable results in the most efficient & effective manner, all while avoiding Any or At Least as much as possible, wastage of your efforts, time, money & dedication by ensuring all the various variables impacting your fitness journey are directed towards a single & right direction.

We connect with all our potential users via a free of cost scheduled health & fitness assessment client discovery session with one of our head coaches who are either an international Level Athlete themselves or are the industry’s topclass, reputed & trusted transformation experts, where they evaluate users current physical conditioning, overall health & wellness analysis & consultation suggested accordingly. We tell you the best course of action on the basis of the analysis discussion session where we make sure that we cover each & every aspect of your lifestyle i.e. your medical history, physical injuries, food allergies, hormonal imbalance etc plus which are key components that have a direct proportional relationship with your individualistic short & long term fitness goals. We help you set realistic expectations and not to panic if you feel bloated or are not reducing 1 or 2 kg each week etc by providing you with the most suitable & 100% customized roadmap for each users fitness journey that’s specifically tailored for your individualistic targets in the best possible way.

Right from letting us know by how many days & for what duration of time can you workout per week & in each session to letting us know, that out of home based workout regimen or a gym based workout plan, which one do you think suits your lifestyle better in terms of practicality to follow in the long run. Let us know if you have access to any equipment or not. If yes, then which ones do you have? A pair of db’s, Barbell & plates, kettlebells, resistance bands/tubes or any other equipment or combination of equipment you have access to or can be arranged for.

Even in users can’t access any of the equipments or to a gym, that’s also completely fine because then your workout program will be customized accordingly, and don’t worry regarding the impact on results, because your muscles doesn’t know if they’re working out in a gym or at your home, with or without any equipments. As long as you’re doing the right workouts as per your individual goals in the right volume & form, you’re achieving what’s intended out of the workout session, i.e. breaking of your muscle fibers through right contraction & expansion of a targeted muscle or muscle group. Post which the nutrition & recovery should be in complete sync with each other while supporting & fueling the workout sessions & rebuilding of muscle fibers. It is through the right permutation & combination of this repetitive process of muscle fiber break down & rebuilding of the broken muscle fibers through the recovery & right nutrition in terms of percentage of macros, micros & the total number of meals & particular timings of meals fixed in a day and the average sleep or rest you’re taking that you are able to achieve the desired results in a planned manner. Again you need to keep an eye out for the foods that are suggested in your diet program, if you think that it doesn’t suit your taste & preferences and if it doesn’t look like something you’ll be able to follow on a regular basis for a long duration, let your coach know so that they can suggest replacements of the similar nutritional value while appealing to your taste & preferences better in order to develop and adapt that as a routine part of your lifestyle. Staying transparent & true to yourself is extremely important here, else you won’t be able to set up realistic goals ever and therefore will never be able to plan out your fitness journey.

After thoroughly analysing all of these and many other variable aspects via both first an automated machine evaluation process of report generation & then a verification of the same via one of our Top International Coaches, you’ll get a customized & thorough roadmap & advice on how to stay on the correct path that helps you reach your individual goals in the most effective & efficient way. In this consultation session through the final report you’ll know exactly what you need to be doing to achieve your dream physique & optimum health levels. Post that if you are satisfied & want our personal assistance/coaching services, you can opt for the program that best suits your lifestyle.

The level of interaction with the coach, overall time required to reach your goal, what format of coaching suits you best & finally the overall budget you have in mind to spend on your health & wellness expenses per month including the coach’s fee, based on the program opted for, monthly gym fee (if applicable), any paid fitness app subscriptions, any pertinent health condition related expenses plus your quantity & quality of supplements (if and what’s required) are few key points that’ll help you identify the most suitable program for you and can accordingly set the level of expectations and a realistic targeted time duration to achieve your individual goal that you have in mind.

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What People Say

The availability outside the gym is perfect brcause after a while you get a basic idea about Workouts but we don’t get the right assistance when the planned diet might not be a possibility etc, the complete transformation coach feature is fantastic. 5/5 recommend!


Give it 15 days & you’re going to be forwarded & forward.

Dr. Sushmita Marekar


Start Small Scale Big!

Before You Begin

Just like any other activity, bettering your physical fitness can feel daunting – especially if the world of fitness is a completely new one to you. To help with this, before we dig into the “What”, it’s important to lay some groundwork so that your head can be in the right place as you pursue your fitness goals.

It’s OK to Start Small
A point you will find harped on repeatedly in this Wiki and by those successful in the fitness world is that consistency over time is king. Each year for New Years Resolution season and the months before summer beach season starts, the fitness community is flooded with those looking to achieve fitness goals who have repeatedly tried and failed to do so in the past. Often, the reason they have tried and failed is that they tried to make too many changes and do too much at once, felt overwhelmed, and either never started at all or were too easily tripped up.

It is tempting to try to look for the most efficient plan to take on to hit the ground running and make the best possible progress you can as quickly as possible. But it’s also important to be honest with yourself about how much change you can take on at once. Some people can do a complete 180 and zoom ahead with aplomb. You may not be one of them, and that’s totally OK. Alan Thrall has a great three minute video on this subject, in which he emphasizes the importance for those getting started that doing anything for your fitness with consistency (even just going to the gym once a week) to build a habit is better than doing nothing at all because it just doesn’t work for you to commit to something more comprehensive.

If you find yourself going through our Wiki and feeling like you’re overwhelmed, that there’s too much information, too many decisions to make, too much time to invest – take Thrall’s advice and stop. Pick one or two simple things to add or change to your life and start doing those consistently. They can be as simple as drinking an extra glass of water every morning, going to the gym once a week every week and doing anything you feel like, or eating more vegetables one meal a day. As these things become easier, build on them.

Always remember that it’s better to start small if it leads to your success than it is to start big and choke because you bit off more than you could chew.

Change Takes Time, You Must Be Patient
Often, beginners to fitness have the misconception that they can achieve their goals quickly, and get discouraged (sometimes giving up entirely) when they don’t see results as soon as they expected. As you chase your goals, keep in mind how long you may have been out of shape for and how long it took you to get there. Also keep in mind the following:

The general guideline for healthy, sustainable weight loss is around 0.8% of current bodyweight per week. If you are extremely overweight, you may be able to safely lose more – but chasing rapid weight loss is a recipe for frustration and yo-yoing. Losing weight at a slow and steady pace significantly increases your likelihood of keeping it off in the long term. For more, see: Weight Loss 101
Muscle is built much slower than most people expect. Absolute beginners, in their first year of training and doing everything right, are generally expected to gain at most around 20 pounds of muscle – less than a half a pound a week – and that rate drops off as time goes on.

Because losing weight and gaining muscle are in most cases in direct opposition to each other, trying to achieve both at the same time is very difficult, requires significantly more time, effort, and preparation, and will take a much longer time to show visible results than choosing one or the other to focus on. For more, see: Should I bulk or cut?

Fitness Goals Are Made of Simple Components
One of the most common pieces of confusion we see on r/Fitness is some version of the following – “I read X, Y and Z article and information but it didn’t apply to my specific situation so I don’t know what to do”. It is easy to believe that your circumstances and goals are complex or unique if you are unfamiliar with the fitness world, but in the majority of cases they actually boil down to a few very straightforward concepts (especially aesthetics goals):
Losing some amount of fat Gaining some amount of muscle
Doing some amount of strength / resistance training
Doing some amount of cardio / conditioning work
Practicing and improving your skill in specific movement patterns
Any dietary changes that are necessary to support the above
For the most part, the real differences are in the degree you work on each of those things. Whatever goal you have in mind, before you get started, try to boil it down to some proportion of these five concepts. Thinking of it in these terms helps simplify your process and make it more clear what you need to do to achieve your goals.

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